The Inspiration Behind

Melted Poetry

Candles; one of the earliest sources of light. Poetry; one of the earliest mediums for expressing feelings and emotions.

From the ancient world to the medieval time and on to the renaissance era candles and poets were allies with an ultimate purpose in common, that of leaving written marks in history to stir the hearts of many souls.

In our modern world; poetry still lives. We encounter it in many forms, sometimes we meet with it in written form, sometimes in musical form and in most cases, we fail to recognize it as such, when it comes in the form of a loving expression from a dear one, but poetry still lives. And so are candles, no longer considered a necessity for they have been replaced by modern luminaries. In our modern world, they have simply become a commodity that many seek as decor or to provide a desired ambiance and mood.

One cannot deny the power of a burning candle

As it diffuses its pleasant scent into the air, it affects the ambiance and our mood. The flame, the crackling sound of a wooden wick and a scent that triggers memories and emotions. So even down to our modern time, we can say that Candles and poetry continue to be allies in the ultimate purpose of stirring the emotions of our soul. It is to this connection this brand owes its name.

Born in New York City in 2020

This inspiration, coupled with a desire for comfort in the middle of an unprecedented pandemic, gave birth to our company. A niche sole owned brand that offers 100% Soy wax scented hand-poured candles. With these candles we seek to bring a touch of warmth and mindful ambience to your space. It is our hope that you find these candles as soothing and inspiring as a beautiful poem.